Airport Ground Operations Noise
CSA conducts assessments of airport ground operations noise including maintenance run-ups, pre-flight run-ups, start-of-takeoff roll, thrust reversers, taxi operations, and auxiliary ground equipment. CSA staff members have conducted groundoperations noise assessments at airports of all sizes nationwide including Port Columbus International, Philadelphia International, Los Angeles International, O’Hare International, Palm Beach International, Anchorage International, Miami International, Baltimore-Washington International, Portland (OR) International, Seattle-Tacoma International, LaGuardia, and Dallas Love Field. Services have ranged from acoustical design andacceptance testing of ground run-up enclosures (GREs),evaluation of property-line noise barriers, noise portions of environmental documents for cargo facilities and aviation support areas, and all-encompassing ground noise assessments for major international airports. In addition to performing detailed modeling and noise mitigation design, CSA has the capability to conduct measurements of aircraft ground operations noise including low-frequency noise (LFN) and noise-induced structural vibration.